Union Level 70 | Female MC | Untouched Zhezhi Story | All Event Characters | Signature Weapons | Unique UID | 5000 Astri
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$ 38.95
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  • Info of Account

  • Day One Player Union Level 70 Female MC Zhezhi Story is UNTOUCHED Birthday Not Set Connoisseur Channel Activated Monthly Subscription +188 Days Remain as 9/11/24 (USA) BONUS: "UNIQUE UID!" 5XXXXX555 I can't provide my full UID here but 'X' is repeating numbers too. All of Event Banner Character with Signature Weapon! Xiangli Yao R3 + Verity's Handle R1 (Updated 9/11, New Character + Sig Weapon!) Zhezhi R6 + Rime- Draped Sprouts R1 Changli R6 + Blazing Brilliance R5 Jinhsi R6 + Age of Harvest R1 Yinlin R6 + Stringmaster R1 Jiyan R6 + Verdant Summit R2 Verina R6 + Variation R6 MC R6 + Emerald of Genesis R1 Mortefi R6 + Static Mist R1 Calcharo R4 Encore R2 Jianxin R2 Lingyang R1 Sanhua R6 Taoqi R6 Taoqi R6Baizhi R6 Yangyang R6 Yuanwu R6 Danjin R6 Aaloto R6 All Event Banner Signature Weapons! + Top Standard Banner Weapons (including must-have 3-4 star weapons) for Support and Sub-DPS! While R1 is incredibly strong, it doesn’t offer much extra value beyond that. [ "R5 weapon" = "R1 weapon + 1 good attack related Echo Tuning Stats" ] Therefore, I chose to keep only R1 upgrades, with the exception of Changli, which was my favorite character. I also have all of the must-have weapon from standard banner. If you're interested in any extra 5-star weapon from the Standard Banner, you can almost guarantee(pity system) it with 22 Lustrous Tides I have. All of them has Super High End Echo Stats! All stats in the photo are PURE STATS, without any buffs. Additionally, useful Standard Banner 4 &5