League Of Legends Boosting - LoL Boosting Services

League Of Legends Boosting - LoL Boosting Services

Climb the ranks with professional and safe LoL rank boosting.

Professional Boosting Service - Play with Challengers
Response Time
2 hours
Solo Ranked Wins, Duo Ranked Wins, Placement Matches

As veterans of the industry igitems is composed of a well-known team in the boosting industry.

We have worked with professional boosters in League of Legends, Valorant, Rainbow Six, Counter Strike, Dota 2, Overwatch and now Marvel Rivals as well.

When you work with us, you don't trust a single person to do your order well. You trust a well-organized, trained, and experienced team that is well-managed to take on any order.

Choose us and we'll match you with the best players anyone could hire.

Important notes:

  • Solo service: You need to provide your login details for our team to complete your order.

  • Duo service: We'll join your queue and play alongside you to complete the order.

  • Wins: Each loss is compensated with an additional win. For example, if you buy 10 wins and we lose 2 games, we will have 12 wins and 2 defeats overall by the time he has finished ranked win boost on your account. For instance at 0 LP, if you demote we will only be responsible for the net games purchased. If you do not demote you get an additional win at 0 LP.

  • Placement matches: We guarantee an 80% winrate below diamond and 70% above diamond. If we lose more games than guaranteed, you will receive 2 extra wins for each additional loss. Each promotion counts as an additional win.

  • Placement matches: Please select your last known rank. If you decayed select the rank you decayed from. If you were only ranked in previous seasons, select the rank from the last time you had one.