League of Legends Account Value Calculator

League of Legends Account Value Calculator

Find out what your account would be worth on the market in under a minute!

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League of Legends Account Calculator

Have you ever wondered how much your League account could be worth? We get it; with all that time collecting mythic skins and all the champions, you'll want to see if your time was well spent or if you're sitting on a wad of cash.

The problem? Calculating a price is tricky since League of Legends has many features determining account value. To help with this, we've created a League of Legends Account Price Calculator to shed some light on the subject.

Our handy tool gives you the lowdown with just a few clicks. You won't have to guess or spend endless forum time determining whether your prized Diamond account is worth the big bucks.

What Is the League of Legends Account Worth Calculator?

Picture this: you're looking to buy or sell a League account, but you can't tell if you're about to overpay or strike big. Enter our League account price valuator, your new best friend, in discovering transparent market valuations.

This handy LoL tool digs through recent igitems sales trends, major game updates, and even factors like the Prestige skin you might've snagged for hitting the Gold rank last season.

All you need to do is plug in some basic info, like your rank, champions owned, unique skins, and voilà! Your account's estimated price appears before your eyes. No sus software or personal account details are required; we're all about quick, secure, and hassle-free estimates.

And yes, we keep the calculator fresh with each new patch, so you can finally bid farewell to the dreaded "Am I overpaying or underselling?" dilemma, start arming yourself with accurate data, and stroll into every account negotiation like a pro today!

The #1 Free LoL Account Valuator

Using the igitems League of Legends Account Calculator is like locking in with your comfortable one-trick, always reliable. Here's why:

  1. We base our estimates on in-depth market research and user data from igitems so that you can skip the random guesswork.
  2. Who has time to wait? You'll get your account's value in seconds, not days.
  3. Walk into any trading discussion knowing exactly what your account is worth.
  4. If you can select your runes and masteries, you can use this calculator; no tech wizardry is required.
  5. We don't ask for login details or force you to download sketchy apps. Instead, you input key account features, and you're all set.

How to Use the League of Legends Account Worth Calculator

Using the League of Legends Account Worth Calculator at igitems is a breeze.

First, go to the calculator page or scroll up if you're already here! Once you're there, you'll see fields asking you for features of your LoL account.

Fill in information like your current and peak rank, and champions you've unlocked (the more, the merrier). If you've been hoarding Blue Essence or RP, include that, too. Buyers love an account packed with resources, which can bump up your final valuation.

After you've entered your details, simply hit the orange "Calculate" button. This triggers an algorithm that analyzes igitems trading data to estimate your account's market worth. When the number pops up, you'll see precisely how much your League of Legends account is currently valued.

Armed with your shiny new valuation, you can decide whether to list your account for sale on igitems immediately or wait until it's worth more.

What Affects League of Legends Account Value?

So, why do two accounts at the identical rank sometimes fetch wildly different price tags? These are the main reasons:

  • Rank: High Elo accounts (Master, Grandmaster Challenger) often snag premium prices on igitems.
  • Champion Owned: Owning more champions, especially newly released or high-cost ones, adds extra value.
  • Skin Collection: Rare skins (Prestige, Mythic, Legacy) can turn an ordinary account into one worth a lot.
  • Account Age & Summoner Icons: Older accounts with limited-edition icons or event rewards can skyrocket in worth.
  • In-Game Currency: Large stashes of Blue Essence or RP? Most buyers love that extra flexibility.

Ready to Discover Your Account's True Worth?

Scroll up and get started if you're itching to see how all those skins, champion mastery levels, and hard-earned ranks translate into cold, hard cash or just bragging rights. Whether prepping to list your account on the igitems marketplace or just testing the waters, having a sweet valuation is your best ally in any negotiation. Who knows? You might just discover you're sitting on a legendary find!