This Fortnite account is stacked. It has 176 skins, 159 backblings, 132 pickaxes and 100+ contrails and gliders. The reason it is priced high is because it contains MANY rare items such as the fresh emote and tidy emote which will never come out in the game.
It contains season 3 paper parasol umbrella and it has the deep freeze bundle. It contains the rare crowbar pickaxe from ch1 season 5 and it has the ghoul trooper and reaper pickaxe.
FYI this account also has 17 PR and HAS AN EXCLUSIVE skin tournament skin which was won #179 place galaxy skin. It also has a record of being CHAMPIONS LEAGUE in arena for many seasons in a row
This account can be played on mobile, switch, PS4/5 ,Xbox series x/s , Xbox one and pc