
What Are the Best Places to Sell My Valorant Account?

4 min read

Are you looking for a reliable place to sell your Valorant account? This is a large market, meaning there are various risks involved. There are many scammers out there, which is why you want to find a trustworthy place where you know you'll get what your account is worth. However, there's no need to panic as there are various safe and reputable options for you to consider. From Igitems to PlayerAuctions and BoostRoyal, these are safe websites with a dedicated user base and secure selling process. Do you want to know more about these places? Keep reading!

Best Places to Sell My Valorant Account

We’ve done our research and found that the best places to sell your Valorant account are iGitems, PlayerAuctions, and BoostRoyal. Let’s look at these in further detail:


iGitems is the ideal place to turn your Valorant account into real-world cash. This online marketplace attracts endless eager buyers who are always looking to purchase Valorant accounts. The registration process is also free, so you don't have to worry about unnecessary costs.

Sellers are also allowed to set their own prices, meaning you can rest assured knowing you’re getting what your account is worth. The platform has also seen exponential growth in users because of the safe payment system and user-friendly interface.

Plus, if you have any questions about the selling process or how to become a verified Valorant seller, you can get in touch with customer support via email, the 24/7 live chat feature, or X, Discord, and Skype. The customer service is friendly and professional and always willing to assist.


PlayerAuctions is one of the popular options, as it has been assisting gamers for years. This is an established marketplace and provides a simple and user-friendly platform for anyone who wants to buy and sell gaming accounts.

Furthermore, PlayerAuctions is committed to the safety of its users as it has a comprehensive verification process. This online marketplace also has a specific section dedicated to Valorant sellers, making it much more convenient to attract buyers and list your account.

Additionally, if you want to sell your accounts as a side gig or have many accounts, the more you sell, the easier it will be because your rating will rise.


With over 5,900 reviews, and the majority of them being positive, it's safe to say BoostRoyal is a popular and well-loved platform. Furthermore, the negative reviews are mainly due to a poor experience with their assigned booster and not the platform itself.

BoostRoyal is dedicated to its Valorant Smurf process, providing 24/7 customer support and a simple and quick process. Finding buyers is also generally a simple process because BoostRoyal offers various perks that make the platform attractive, such as lifetime warranties, a plethora of features, and affordable prices.

Things to Keep in Mind

While you can rest assured that you’re in good hands with either of these online Valorant marketplaces, it’s crucial to take note of a few factors. Regardless of which platform you opt for, you need to read the terms and conditions.

Furthermore, you must always prioritize your safety and ensure your account is in good standing, irrespective of whether you're making transactions or not. Don't give your Valorant account information to others until they've made the necessary payment.

Sell Your Valorant Account!

Now that you know some of the best places to sell your Valorant account, it's time to get to work. Finding a reliable and effective platform is the most vital step in the process, and once you've got peace of mind over your chosen platform, the selling process should be a breeze.

Make sure to choose the platform that offers the features that are most suitable for your needs. iGitems, PlayerAuctions, and BoostRoyal are all trustworthy marketplaces; however, you need to choose the option that ticks all your boxes! Once you do that, finding buyers will be a simple and convenient process.

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