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Top 5 Competitive Maps in Rainbow Six Siege

Rainbow Six Siege has a ton of maps for pub and competitive matches. Here is our top 5 best map in the game that you can try! Note that this list may change with time as new expansions come out!

Club House

Club House is another map that has straddled the line between competitive and not-so-competitive during the course of the game's history. Thankfully, the most recent map revision has addressed this issue to a large extent. It’s highly advantageous to purchase a Rainbow Six account, as you’ll receive Operators and Weapon skins unlocked directly for much cheaper.

Club House, like Villa, features a lot of rotations, but they all funnel into enough choke spots so the attackers can keep an eye on their backs. Despite its lack of vertical play, Club House has enough depth and complexity while being balanced to make our top list.

Theme Park

Ubisoft's upcoming revamp of Theme Park may be a contentious choice for our list, but the map has developed into a strong one that demands a great deal of knowledge to win.

Vertical play is required for several bomb sites on Theme Park, but the map truly opens up when you can fire through the ceiling or floor to bother your foes from a different standpoint. It's a good map for learning about the necessity of vertical play, but it'll be fascinating to see what Ubisoft does to the map in the future to make it more practical.


There is only one reason Consulate is so highly regarded as one of the best maps in the game. This map is awesome to watch in professional matches. Consulate is a competitive map that challenges the skill of a player. Offensive shootouts and defensive gameplay are very intense on this map.

Consulate isn't usually the most enjoyable to play due to its overbearing nature. Even though it's a small map, gunfights don't usually happen instantly because the player always prioritizes strategy over team fights on a small map. Professional teams are known to win games by making great use of their resources and shooting their way out of difficulties. However, when it comes to sheer entertainment value, Consulate is one of the best maps in the game.


Even though it has remained largely unchanged over the years, Border has enough complexity and uniqueness to warrant inclusion. Because of this, Attackers usually need to be present on both the first and second floors if they want to make any headway in the game. Even though Defenders lack many staircases, they have many ceiling hatches that can be used for rotation.




Although it's a well-known Siege map, Bank has a distinct vibe. Two large skylights at the top of the high ceiling let in a lot of natural light. Although the second-story balcony is a difficult site for Defenders to wander onto, its rewards outweigh the risks as attackers inside can have a hard time dealing with it. The Attackers can also enter two unusual entry points through the sewer or the garage. As a result of its uniqueness, this map has and will likely continue to be popular in the game.

Knowing how all the maps work in detail can be very complicated. Even professional teams spend a lot of time perfecting their strategies. We recommend hiring an R6 coach to perfect your player effectively.

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