The best Roles in Dota 2!

3 min read

According to writing, there are 115 heroes in Dota 2 which have their own unique ways. But choosing the best hero for your team can set you to winning after battling a certain stage, cruising all those enemies, and put them to struggle. You will know that all heroes have been played and used based on their specific roles. In Dota 2, it is more important to know these roles because it can lead you to understand well the game and interact with each other. So, what are the Dota 2 Roles?


In the early game, especially in laning phase, the role of the support is to carry that the hero used has enough vision for you to safely going around by looking in the map.


It focuses on the healing of the damage to your hero. This is the most difficult role as the player did not know its importance.


In the early stages, it is dealing more with forest to gain enough points, and making all the creeps destroy you can find it between respawning interval.


Your team has at least one land to occupy the given lone hero.  The team should have more jungler.

Solo Mid

Your hero should occupy the middle lane. Because you will see the space between you and your opposing team is quietly short. You don’t worry about escaping because there will be farming creeps and trading systems.

Solo-Off the Lane

Your heroes can be hard to play. As you can see, in the early levels, you will encounter off-laners by that you will have more ability to not escape the mechanics such as invulnerability or the ability to transport there.


In every level, you’d passed. Your hero will be levelled – up as well as the talent and skills of your hero. Upon level up, you should know the talents of your hero for better gaming and the play will be ended early. As you play, you’ll encounter the three attributes in Dota: Agility, Strength and Intelligence. Each of these has its own role in governing certain aspects of your hero. To name the few, it has HP or strength, the mana or your intelligence and attack speed or the agility. If your hero damaged by another hero of your enemy, it will easily be determined. It can easily be recovered as well as you purchasing the points and selecting the value to strengthen more your hero. 

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