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Beginner Friendly Valorant Agents

It can be difficult to choose a good starting agent to lead in Valorant. There are currently eighteen agents in the game, each with their own set of powers and ultimates. Fortunately, beginner-friendly agents are in every job (Duelist, Sentinel, Controller, and Initiator). These agents have basic equipment that allows the player to concentrate on gunplay. Let's take a look at the finest starting agents in Valorant for each role. Note that as a new player you can’t duo other players of higher rank when playing ranked matchmodes.

During matches, each agent plays a unique function, Valorant coaches often help new players to find the best choice for their playstyle. While certain agents are unquestionably more challenging than others, your preferences will decide which agents you will be within the game. There are four different types of agents:

Duelists: The fragment hunters are the characters whose skill set revolves around attacking their opponents and engaging in hostile confrontations.

Controllers: The commander of the battlefield or the controllers can place smoke barriers to block vital sightlines and deter attacks, or they can assist their team in discreetly infiltrating a position.

Initiators: Initial attacks are led by supporting agents in order to catch and disorient any opposing team defenders who are spread out.

Sentinels:  Denying experts are always defensive-minded, and they succeed in slowing down the enemy team's attacks while aiding their teammates.

Brimstone (Controller)

Brimstone's Sky Smokes are his most appealing feature to newcomers. They're the most basic smokes in the game, requiring only a single click on a minimap to place. His Stim Beacon can make or break a gunfight, and his molly and Orbital Strike make him a post-plant nightmare. Brimstone can call down sight-blocking smokes in a broad region around his position with these.

Sage (Sentinel)

Valorant is a fast-paced game, but Sage's Barrier wall and Slow orbs are ideal for slowing or preventing rushes, allowing you to withdraw to a safer location while your teammates rotate. You'll learn fun techniques to utilize Sage's wall over time, such as leaping on it as it rises for a brief glimpse of spinning it and placing it in a short passageway to annoy the adversary.

Phoenix (Duelist)

His abilities include blinding flashes, a fireball that temporarily sets the land on fire, and the ability to manipulate a wall with your aim. He's a wonderful choice for beginners because his abilities don't need much preparation or map familiarization, allowing you to acquire a few kills quickly. He can use Hot Hands fireball and Blaze to coil himself when damaged.

KAY/O (Initiator)

KAY/O is a master at getting kills for himself and his teammates. His 'nade clears difficult-to-reach places, and his flash can blind a large area for his team to penetrate. His trademark, "ZERO/POINT," suppresses adversaries and gives the team an advantage when combined with his ult.

Killjoy (Sentinel)

Killjoy is a good choice if you want to do more damage and contribute to the team's firepower. The upbeat agent is armed with a robot that detects adversaries and inflicts severe damage. If your aim is still a little off, her robot can help you out with many assists before the end of the game, boosting your score.

Omen (Controller)

The ability kit for Omen is great for novices because it allows players more freedom than the other controllers. His paranoia causes adversaries to become nearsighted for a long time, giving an Omen player a few seconds of advantage to achieve a kill or flee.

Now that you know which Agents to choose from, you should think about combinations to use them as to build a succesfull Valorant team with.

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