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Arcane Season 2: Everything You Need to Know

Arcane is a fantasy-animated streaming television series on Netflix revealed in October 2019 to commemorate the 10th anniversary of League of Legends, a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) video game developed by Riot Games. The series is based on League of Legends – making use of multiverses and several characters that compose the game, called champions, of different styles, roles, origins, and backgrounds. It was created to fulfill a cinematic experience for their loyal fans and gamers through animation and narrative storytelling of the champions they play in this game, as stated by Riot. Enjoy the legendary Champions by purchasing a cheap LoL account with everything already unlocked. 

About the First Season 

Riot Games collaborated with Fortiche Productions to navigate the development of the series. The first season revolved around the life of champion Jinx and Vi in their fictional worlds, Pilthover and Zaun. It has been confirmed that Arcane closely followed the pre-existing background and story of the champions in this game, with a few modifications on the design and such.  

The story started with the two iconic champions as war orphans and unraveled to show the rift between the cities caused by a failed attempt to unite them. It also featured how other champions turned as if they were even merely being supporting characters, such as Jayce, who invented a significant device that was also the root of several champions’ power, and his counterpart, Silco, who invented a medicine that caused the demise of many characters.  

The immersive prosecution of the story through animation caught the hearts of the viewers. After launching the nine-episode series, production members and fans IMDbate its success, earning nine Annie Nominations and a runaway hit, even recognized by IMDb as the highest rating for a Netflix original series. 

The Much-Awaited Second Season 

A much-awaited second season is an inevitable turnabout after garnering significant attention and feedback from mass media. Netflix confirmed that the series will be back by 2023, three years after releasing the last episode. Although the first season took 6 years to make, Nicolo Laurent, Riot Games CEO himself stated in one tweet that fans and viewers wouldn’t have to wait that long. Fortiche Productions stays to help them achieve this.  

The teaser for the much-awaited second season was posted by Arcane’s official Twitter account just a day after releasing the first season’s last episode. Fans speculated through the teaser that an additional champion will make its debut, although its voice actor is yet to be confirmed. Meanwhile, the original casts will be returning, Hailee Steinfeld as Vi, Ella Purnell as Jinx, and Kaitie Leung as Caitlyn. 

Arcane Season I featured an exclusive format wherein 3 episodes were simultaneously released because Riot was firm in making the launch of this series as part of the 10th-anniversary celebration. There were quests and rewards to be unlocked in League of Legends that were connected to the episodes released. It is expected that Season II will follow suit as soon as it airs. Even so, one of the creators implied that the series wouldn’t remain as it is and might follow a movie format in the future to highlight other champions and their stories. The League of Legends has multiple fictional worlds with 159 champions, and they aim to expand the series at the same rate as the game, considering they are linked. The creators aim to continue what they have started and connect more with their loyal fans. 

Eager to learn more about the League of Legends? Check out our article about Wild Rift positions

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