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League of Legends: Wild Rift Lane Positions Explained

The Lane Positions in the game are used to separate where each champion begins the game. Lane Positions are more commonly known as roles. Similar to League of Legends on PC, also here there are five Lane Positions that must be occupied in each game: Baron Lane, Mid Lane, Dragon Lane (Marksman), Dragon Lane (Support), and Jungle. It is necessary to fill the roles properly to have a good chance of winning the game. To know which champions are the best to play, we can look at the professional WR players for ideas.

Baron Lane

Baron Lane is occupied with fighters, tanks, and assassins. Survivability, damage, and initiation are all strong points for these heroes. It's a one-on-one lane, and it's the best place to be if you're just learning the game. Because it is a 1v1 lane, it is an excellent place to start learning the game. Here you'll learn about trade fundamentals and minion last hits (also called creep score or CS).

Best Baron Laners: Gragas, Olaf, and Darius

Best Champion to learn the Baron Lane: Garen


Mid Lane

Assassins and Mages are usually vying for control of this central ground. It's a difficult spot to be if you're just starting out in Wild Rift because it's the crucial point for ganking from the Jungle. The Mid Lane is a 1v1 lane that travels across the center of the map. The Mid Lane is usually the quickest to settle because it is the shortest of the three lanes. That means that if you win the Mid Lane, you'll get your Ultimate considerably faster than if you win the other lanes.

Best Mid Laners: Zed, Orianna, Ahri, Fizz, Seraphine

Best champion to learn the mid lane: Ahri




Dragon Lane

The Support and the Marksman occupy the Dragon Lane. They are in a lane close to the Dragon's Pit and they can assist in securing Drakes when they appear. It’s a 2v2 lane and Marksmen must collect things and gold to raise their stats, as well as last-hitting minions and avoiding the fight's heart. The Support character must protect the Marksman while also maintaining lane control and keeping the other team at bay.

Best Marksmen: Jhin, Ezreal, and Kai'Sa

Best Marksman to learn the Dragon Lane: Ashe

Best Supports: Alistar, Braum, Blitzcrank, and Seraphine

Best Support to learn the Dragon Lane: Blitzcrank and Seraphine


This is the role most high ELO players use when boosting Wild Rift accounts as it has a great influence on each game. Fighters and Tanks are the best classes to use in the jungle. However, you must only play as the Jungler if you are highly familiar with Wild Rift. Secure the drakes and scuttlers to influence the flow of the battle and provide your team boosts and buffs as they move across lanes to win.

The champion in the Jungle position is responsible for eradicating the monsters in the Jungle, hence the name. As a result, all Jungle champions must utilize the Smite spell. In addition to functioning as a jungle farmer, Jungler is also tasked with completing objectives such as catching Rift Scuttler in the river, scanning for foes with Sweeping Lens, and assisting the opposite lane with ganking.

Best Junglers: Lee Sin, Olaf, Graga,s Xin Zhao, and Shyvana

Best Jungler to learn the role: ViVi

Mastering any of the five roles is  a difficult task, which can however be made faster by getting WR coaching.

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